Ministry of Justice Sourcing Portal

This website provides a suite of collaborative, web-based tools that enable procurement professionals and suppliers to conduct the strategic activities of the procurement lifecycle over the internet.

It provides a simple, secure and efficient means for managing tendering and quotation activities reducing the time and effort required for both buyers and suppliers.

The Procurement Act 2023 is now in effect, changing the process for bidding on government tenders. If you are responding to an above-threshold procurement under the new Act, you will need to enter a Central Digital Platform (CDP) Share Code before proceeding with your bid submission.

To streamline your bidding process for above-threshold events under the Procurement Act 2023, we recommend you register on the CDP first. You can still express an interest in a tender before registering.

Registering on the CDP is easy and can be done in three steps:

  • 1. Visit the Find a Tender website and register for your account
  • 2. Enter your details
  • 3. Provide your organisation's core information and note the Share Code generated.

Once registered, when you are ready to create your response and submit your bid, click the ‘intend to respond’ button and enter the Share Code. You won’t be able to proceed with your bid submission until the Share Code is provided.

For more detailed instructions on how to complete the registration process, visit the dedicated guidance page on

Regarding the below-threshold events under the Procurement Act 2023: You do not need a Share Code for these tenders, so there is no change to your submission process.

For procurements under the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, the submission process remains unchanged.

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